Thursday, January 17, 2008

To Strip or Not to Strip........Isn't that Always the Question?

One of my beautiful girlriends recently made a comment about stripping for some extra cash. Stripping, as in at a club, not flashing frat boys at a party for 3 bucks and a Natty Light. Legitimately dancing at a strip club. The jury is still out on whether this was a joke or not, but it sparked an email chain conversation among the rest of us, nonetheless. We were all across the board on this one. From adamant "NO WAYS' to full on support that she should "Work it out", "shake what her mama gave her", etc. I'll give you three guesses what side of the spectrum Miss L was on. I practically had my ones out. My question is, what's the big effing deal?

I love me some strippers. To all you lesbians.........I mean feminists out there, please don't burn me at the stake with your bras. And to all my pristine, angelic church girls, why the hell are you even reading this blog? Seriously, there's got to be a Judy Blume novel lying around somewhere with your name on it. Anyways, It's not like I'm down with hookers, but have you honestly ever been to a strip club? It's fun! Now we're talking about nice Vegas-style strip clubs (you know, the classy ones), not the seedy beer and sweat smelling dive next to the airport. The clubs are fun and the chicks are hot....and freakishly athletic. Plus, these girls are making some CASH (the good one's anyways). I say go for it. As long as there's no sex in the champagne room. It's all good.

That being said, hookers are another story. I am fascinated by hookers. I love seeing them in their natural habitat (Hunter's Point, seedy motels near the Congressional building, coming out of my ex-boyfriend's roommate's bedroom......ok, that actually wasn't cool). You know how it is, you're driving down the street, and all of a sudden "Oooh! Look! Hookers!" and everybody looks. Fun for all. However in real life hookers are not ok. Pimps and diseases are not this girls cup of tea.

So my Jerry Springer final thought is, Yay strippers! I say go for it, and all of you out there who have never been to a strip club? BO-RING. Put down your copy of Gloria Steinem's biography, take your cat off your lap, and turn off The View. Now you have some fun plans for the weekend. I promise you'll come out of it a much more interesting person. Now, can anyone break a $50?


Magglio said...

One more thing to point out - 'Tranny Watch' is just as fun as 'Hooker Watch'. Try it on lower Polk street. It's a fun drinking game to play.

Glad you're back up and running.


Anonymous said...

Great work.