Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentines Day to my adoring 3 readers. I apologize for my brief absence. Miss L admits to being less than inspired lately. Sigh. Nothing wrong per se, just haven't felt the burning desire to blog. I should just do what my boys over at Apples & Moustaches do and just post pictures of hot chicks (man, I sound like a lesbian sometimes). Anyhoo, other than the fact that it's Valentines Day, and I'm still at work (not that I would ever blog at work.....), things are good. I am, however, drinking vodka, so that's a plus. Since I have no rhyme or reason at this point, I'm going to bullet blog. Here goes-
  • A random man who was probably 60 years old hit on me in the Office Max parking lot at 9 am this morning. He told me my walk was "like a million bucks" and asked me if I'd be his Valentine this evening. Yeah bro, that's happening. A: who hits on strangers before noon? B: In what universe does a young, hot woman who's under 300 pounds and has all her teeth, accept an invitation to be a stranger's Valentine in the Office Max parking lot? I'll have some of whatever you're popping, homes. C: Office Max rolly gel pens are really expensive. Work it out company credit card.
  • Sean Kingston has a song out right now called Take You There. Let's all ignore the fact that this kid's first major single, Beautiful Girls, is one of the most vomit inducing piles of poop I've ever heard, but this latest song is too ghetto for even my faux ghetto ass. Sample line, "Or we can go to the slums where killas get hung. Shorty I can take you there" Yeah. I want to date that dude. What happens on our second date? Chinese water torture? (I have no idea what that is btw, can anyone let me know?), kicking seeing eye dogs? bargain shopping at Ross? Sounds like fun. Sign me up Sean Kingston. I know I am not a particularly hood kind of girl, but Jesus, going to where the killas get hung can not be appealing to anyone.
  • I'm getting drunk. Yay Vodka.
  • Top 5 biggest douchebags I can think of at this moment- 1) Clay Aiken 2) Mike Huckabee 3) Alex Smith (yes I'm a Niners fan, but Alex Smith puts the AS in ass) 4) Jared Leto, he hasn't done anything too bad recently, but you know those people who are just seconds away from embarrassing themselves at all times? He's one of those. Total cringer. Whatever happened to Jordan Catalano, man? 5) Pat Sajak, just cuz. I mean how obvious is it that he hates his job? Seriously, with good reason. If I had to listen to fat housewives, sorority girls, and emasculated US Military servicemen scream about buying an E, I'd be pissed too, but honestly, Pat Sajak is a douchebag. After all these years he should have at least felt up Vanna on camera. Pussy.
Ok kids, this is an open invitation for ANYONE to help me get my mojo back? Got anything good for me to blog about? My fountain's as dry as my sex life these days......Houston, I think we've found the problem! All right, now I know I need more than some good "ideas" to perk the Bubble back up. On a mission...


Anonymous said...

Can you please find pictures of Nicole and Christina's babies? I wanna see 'em.

Erin Sheri said...

I just found this b/c I saw Megan last week...I am dying. Why haven't you posted anything in 09?